

27-29 SEPTEMBER 2023


An Organizing Committee has been established by the Ministry of Health in Kosovo (MoH)

Dr. Florie Miftari Basholli from the National Institute of Public Health (NIPHK) is leading the committee consisting of 16 professionals from MoH, primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare, health chambers, patients’ rights representatives, and international organizations working in the health sector

Welcome Speeches

Mr. Arben Vitia

Minister of Health in Kosovo

Mr. Naser Ramadani -

Director of National Institute of Public Health Kosovo

Mr. Laurent Torche -

Deputy Head of Cooperation, First Secretary, Embassy of Switzerland, SDC Office Kosovo

Mr. Oleksandr Martynenko

Liaison Officer and Head of WHO office, Prishtina

Mr. Pleurat Sejdiu -

President, Chamber of Doctors of Kosovo

Ms. Nexhmije Gori -

Head, Chamber of Nurses of Kosovo

Keynote Speeches

Ms. Alison Cox

Policy and Advocacy Director, NCD Alliance

Mr. Sean Taylor

Director of Science and Public Health, World Heart Federation

Ms. Mette Skar

Senior Programme Manager at World Diabetes Foundation

Mr. Richard Price

Head of Policy, European Cancer Organisation

The Accessible Quality Healthcare (AQH)  and Integrated Health Services (IHS) projects are joint initiatives between the Kosovo Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Swiss Government, aiming to promote quality and accessibility of healthcare services and facilitate further support of national capacity in the health sector through a participatory process in alignment with national health policies. Both projects are implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (SWISS TPH)

Organizing Committee

Dr. Florie Miftari Basholli -

Head of Organizing Committee

National Institute of Public Health of Kosova


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